Debugging Workflows
Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 minQuestions
How can I check my CWL file for errors?
How can I get more information to help with solving an error?
What are some common error messages when using CWL?
Check a CWL file for errors
Output debugging information
Interpret and fix commonly encountered error messages
When working on a CWL workflow, you will probably encounter errors. There are many different errors possible. It is always very important to check the error message in the terminal, because it will give you information on the error. This error message will give you the type of error as well as the line of code that contains the error. Some of these errors will be explained in this episode.
As a first step to check if your CWL script contains any errors, you can run the workflow with the --validate
cwltool --validate CWL_SCRIPT.cwl
It is possible that the script is validated, however, it still gets an error.
If you encounter an error, the best practice is to run the workflow with the --debug
This will provide you with extensive information on the error you encounter.
cwltool --debug CWL_SCRIPT.cwl
YAML errors
First of all, errors in the YAML syntax. When writing a piece of code, it is very easy to make a mistake.
Some very common YAML errors are:
Using tabs instead of spaces. In YAML files indentations are made using spaces, not tabs. Please download and run this example which includes a tab character.
$ cwltool tab-error.cwl workflow_input.yml
ERROR Tool definition failed validation: while scanning for the next token file:///tab-error.cwl:5:1: found character '\t' that cannot start any token
Typos in field names. It is very easy to forget for example the capital letters in field names. Errors with typos in field names will show
invalid field
.cwlVersion: v1.2 class: Workflow inputs: rna_reads_human: File ref_genome: Directory annotations: File steps: quality_control: run: bio-cwl-tools/fastqc/fastqc_2.cwl in: reads_file: rna_reads_human out: [html_file] mapping_reads: requirements: ResourceRequirement: ramMin: 5120 run: bio-cwl-tools/STAR/STAR-Align.cwl in: RunThreadN: {default: 4} GenomeDir: ref_genome ForwardReads: rna_reads_human OutSAMtype: {default: BAM} SortedByCoordinate: {default: true} OutSAMunmapped: {default: Within} out: [alignment] index_alignment: run: bio-cwl-tools/samtools/samtools_index.cwl in: bam_sorted: mapping_reads/alignment out: [bam_sorted_indexed] count_reads: requirements: ResourceRequirement: ramMin: 500 run: bio-cwl-tools/subread/featureCounts.cwl in: mapped_reads: index_alignment/bam_sorted_indexed annotations: annotations out: [featurecounts] outputs: qc_html: type: File outputsource: quality_control/html_file bam_sorted_indexed: type: File outputSource: index_alignment/bam_sorted_indexed featurecounts: type: File outputSource: count_reads/featurecounts
$ cwltool rna_seq_workflow.cwl workflow_input.yml
ERROR Tool definition failed validation: rna_seq_workflow.cwl:1:1: Object `rna_seq_workflow.cwl` is not valid because tried `Workflow` but rna_seq_workflow.cwl:46:1: the `outputs` field is not valid because rna_seq_workflow.cwl:47:3: item is invalid because rna_seq_workflow.cwl:49:5: invalid field `outputsource`, expected one of: 'label', 'secondaryFiles', 'streamable', 'doc', 'id', 'format', 'outputSource', 'linkMerge', 'pickValue', 'type'
Typos in variable names. Similar to typos in field names, it is easy to make a mistake in referencing to a variable. These errors will show
Field references unknown identifier.
cwlVersion: v1.2 class: Workflow inputs: rna_reads_human: File ref_genome: Directory annotations: File steps: quality_control: run: bio-cwl-tools/fastqc/fastqc_2.cwl in: reads_file: rna_reads_human out: [html_file] mapping_reads: requirements: ResourceRequirement: ramMin: 5120 run: bio-cwl-tools/STAR/STAR-Align.cwl in: RunThreadN: {default: 4} GenomeDir: ref_genome ForwardReads: rna_reads_human OutSAMtype: {default: BAM} SortedByCoordinate: {default: true} OutSAMunmapped: {default: Within} out: [alignment] index_alignment: run: bio-cwl-tools/samtools/samtools_index.cwl in: bam_sorted: mapping_reads/alignments out: [bam_sorted_indexed] count_reads: requirements: ResourceRequirement: ramMin: 500 run: bio-cwl-tools/subread/featureCounts.cwl in: mapped_reads: index_alignment/bam_sorted_indexed annotations: annotations out: [featurecounts] outputs: qc_html: type: File outputSource: quality_control/html_file bam_sorted_indexed: type: File outputSource: index_alignment/bam_sorted_indexed featurecounts: type: File outputSource: count_reads/featurecounts
$ cwltool rna_seq_workflow.cwl workflow_input.yml
ERROR Tool definition failed validation: rna_seq_workflow.cwl:9:1: checking field `steps` rna_seq_workflow.cwl:30:3: checking object `rna_seq_workflow.cwl#index_alignment` rna_seq_workflow.cwl:32:5: checking field `in` rna_seq_workflow.cwl:33:7: checking object `rna_seq_workflow.cwl#index_alignment/bam_sorted` Field `source` references unknown identifier `mapping_reads/alignments`, tried file:///.../rna_seq_workflow.cwl#mapping_reads/alignments
Wiring error
Wiring errors often occur when you forget to add an output from a workflow’s step to the outputs
This doesn’t cause an error message, but there won’t be any output in your directory.
To get the desired output you have to run the workflow again.
Best practice is to check your outputs
section before running your script to make sure all the outputs you want are there.
Type mismatch
Type errors take place when there is a mismatch in type between variables.
When you declare a variable in the inputs
section, the type of this variable has to match the type in the YAML inputs file
and the type used in one of the workflows steps.
The error message that is shown when this error occurs will tell you on which line the mismatch happens.
cwlVersion: v1.2
class: Workflow
rna_reads_human: int
ref_genome: Directory
annotations: File
run: bio-cwl-tools/fastqc/fastqc_2.cwl
reads_file: rna_reads_human
out: [html_file]
ramMin: 5120
run: bio-cwl-tools/STAR/STAR-Align.cwl
RunThreadN: {default: 4}
GenomeDir: ref_genome
ForwardReads: rna_reads_human
OutSAMtype: {default: BAM}
SortedByCoordinate: {default: true}
OutSAMunmapped: {default: Within}
out: [alignment]
run: bio-cwl-tools/samtools/samtools_index.cwl
bam_sorted: mapping_reads/alignment
out: [bam_sorted_indexed]
ramMin: 500
run: bio-cwl-tools/subread/featureCounts.cwl
mapped_reads: index_alignment/bam_sorted_indexed
annotations: annotations
out: [featurecounts]
type: File
outputSource: quality_control/html_file
type: File
outputSource: index_alignment/bam_sorted_indexed
type: File
outputSource: count_reads/featurecounts
$ cwltool rna_seq_workflow.cwl workflow_input.yml
ERROR Tool definition failed validation:
rna_seq_workflow.cwl:5:3: Source 'rna_reads_human' of type "int" is incompatible
rna_seq_workflow.cwl:24:7: with sink 'ForwardReads' of type ["File", {"type": "array", "items":
rna_seq_workflow.cwl:5:3: Source 'rna_reads_human' of type "int" is incompatible
rna_seq_workflow.cwl:13:7: with sink 'reads_file' of type ["File"]
Format error
Some files need a specific format that needs to be specified in the YAML inputs file, for example the fastq file in the RNA-seq analysis. When you don’t specify a format, an error will occur. You can for example use the EDAM ontology.
class: File
location: rnaseq/raw_fastq/Mov10_oe_1.subset.fq
class: Directory
location: rnaseq/hg19-chr1-STAR-index
class: File
location: rnaseq/reference_data/chr1-hg19_genes.gtf
$ cwltool rna_seq_workflow.cwl workflow_input.yml
ERROR Exception on step 'mapping_reads'
ERROR [step mapping_reads] Cannot make job: Expected value of 'ForwardReads' to have format but
File has no 'format' defined: {
"class": "File",
"location": "file:///home/mbexegc2/Documents/projects/bioexcel/follow-cwl-novice-tutorial/novice-tutorial-exercises/rnaseq/raw_fastq/Mov10_oe_1.subset.fq",
"size": 75706556,
"basename": "Mov10_oe_1.subset.fq",
"nameroot": "Mov10_oe_1.subset",
"nameext": ".fq"
Key Points
Run the workflow with the
option to check for errorsThe
option will output more information‘Wiring’ errors won’t necessarily yield an error message